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How To Install A Weather StationFor your weather station to function at its peak accuracy it must be correctly installed. This guide will provide you with some handy guidelines to ensure a proper installation. While you're here be sure to read our comparison guide of wired and wireless weather station installations. It has some helpful data to help you determine which setup is best for you. The first step to installing a weather station is to do a site survey. There are a couple of reasons for this. The first is to select the best location in which to mount the sensors. The second is to find out the distance thfor the sensor transmissions have to cover. If you're installing a wireless system you'll want to mount the sensors in an area which is not obstructed by things such as trees. The reason for this is that wireless weather stations function in a "line of sight" manner. This means that if the signal from the sensors passes through solid objects it will be weakened. Examples of common obstructions include buildings, hills, trees, etc. Another important thing to be aware of is that if the building containing the console has an aluminum roof or siding the signal will be blocked. This is due to the fact that metal such as aluminum acts like a shield and blocks the signal. This leads to one significant strength of cabled weather stations - since the signal is transmitted though wires and not air, the terrain of your location is not a factor in signal strength. A good example of a versatile weather station is the Davis Vantage Pro2 - it's a professional level system that has the strength of being offered in both cabled and wireless versions. If you're installing a wired system it's a very good idea to run the cables through electrical conduit. This will save you the headache of animals gnawing though the cables. You'll want to install the temperature sensor in a shaded area which is also well ventilated. This will help you avoid false temperature readings due to radiant heat transfer. A proper installation of a cabled weather station must take into account the potential damage that can occur from a lightning strike. When installing a wired system you'll want to install lightning arrestors in order to minimize the risk of damage to the structure housing the console. It's a good idea to consult a licensed electrician to ensure that your installation is safe. To find an electrician in your area we highly recommend Angie's List. It's a fantastic resource for finding qualified contractors. A wireless system is not susceptible to lightning strike so this is a significant strength of that type of setup. For further guidelines specific to your exact weather station be sure to carefully read your product manual. At Weather Station Supply you'll find the lowest discount prices on weather stations and other weather related equipment. We'll help you find the right environmental measurement and weather forecasting equipment for the best price possible.
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