Weather Stations/Forecasters Handheld Wind & Weather Alert Radios Thermometers Other Environmental Measurement Devices |
Oregon Scientific Wireless Weather StationsOregon Scientific weather stations are well respected in the weather forecasting market due to their high quality design and innovative features. They feature professional grade technology at affordable prices. Oregon Scientific's diverse product line includes wireless weather stations, weather radios, rain gauges, atomic projection clocks and indoor/outdoor thermometers. Oregon Scientific was founded in Portland, Oregon in 1989. They started as a small technology company and quickly grew into a worldwide provider of high quality consumer electronics. Oregon Scientific's most popular and full-featured weather station is the WMR200 Professional Weather Center. The WMR200 is a professional level weather forecasting system which is available for a very affordable price. At Weather Station Supply you'll find the lowest price on an Oregon Scientific wireless weather station or other high quality weather forecaster. We'll help you find the right weather and environmental measurement equipment for your home, farm or business for the lowest discount price.
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